Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Without a doubt, the single moste effective tool for reaching a lost and dying world is the testimony of those who call themselves Christians.  Unfourtuanately, it is also the single most effective tool used by the enemy to drive people further from Christ.  People today are looking for something real.  They want to know that there is hope for them.  From my own personal experience, I know for sure that that hope is found in Jesus Christ. It is a very real hope available to whosoever will.  However in todays American church, there are too many "Christians" who cast doubt on that truth, by living a part time Christianity.  They confine their Christianity to the church building, church events, and church projects.  All other times are viewed with little consideration of being Christ-like.  As a result a mixed message is sent to those who are watching our lives.  And the enemy uses that mixed message to convey a very real message; "HYPOCRITE". Christianity is meant to be lived out 24/7, and only in this way can our testimony be used to draw people to Christ.   

We have to take our life of faith outside the church.  We have to begin living the life in front of those that are lost.  We cannot confine our converstaions to only talking about faith with other Chrsitians.  We cannot limit our praise to the church building, or our worship between the hours of 10 and 11. We must let our light shine before all men.  We must be that city on a hill.  We must set our lamp upon the stand so that all can see.  This means that every day must be lived out in a constant state of awareness of God and his His will for your life at that moment.  God may desire to use you to evangelize, or minister to someone's need on your own, without a large group of "church people".  Christianity is a personal faith, not a group mentality.  We must always be ready and willing to obey his voice, and do the work of the ministry.

Most of us acknowledge this, and would even "Amen" such a statement, and yet we do not live it out.  So the question is why?  There are as many reasons as there are people, but I believe all of those reasons boil down to one factor; we have not fully surrendered to God.  We are still too focused on self.  We are too SELFconscious.  When we were lost we didn't seem to care who saw us make fools of ourselves.  But, now that we are saved we act as if we are ashamed.  And the world has taken advantage of this selfconscious attitude to bully Christians into submission and silence.  This is the reason we choose to live out our in the safety of the church.  However if we are going to impact the world around us we have got to start living this life 24/7. We are going to have to begin to praise him outside of the church building.  We are going to have to start worshiping him every moment of every day, no matter where we are or who we are around, and regardless of whether or not the rest of the church is involved.  The 24 hours starts now, get started and live for him.

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Fatherless Ministry

The phrase “fatherless ministry” has become a popular term in recent times, used to describe ministries that have not been fathered properly. Those that preach such things believe that a ministry can only be legitimate if approved by a spiritual leader.  Thus if your ministry does not have their stamp of approval then it is a bastard; born of the flesh.  My own ministry has been described in this way.  And in a way it is true.  My ministry was not properly "fathered".  I guess the question is why?  It certainly wasn't becasue I desired the ministry to be fatherless.  I had hoped that the father would have been around to help.  However, that did not happen.  I must say that it is not the fault of the ministry. Instead the ministry is not unlike a child who is born without a father.  A father that chooses to be absent, makes the child a victim of circumstance.  Likewise a fatherless ministry too is often a victim of circumstance, the result of an affair with a man who had no desire to be a father.

Like most circumstances of this nature it begins with a man who sees someone to whom he takes a liking.  He then seduces them with attention, with kind words. Once he has drawn them within arms length, the seduction turns to get them even closer.  He pulls out the stops to impress them, showering them with gifts, lavish dinners and nights on the town, that is until they decide to give themself to him.  At this point he is willing to tell them whatever they want to hear, and give them what it takes to keep them "in his bed", or ministry in this case.  And as long as they are willing to give he is not put off by the cost.   The problem arises when that someone becomes pregnant.  In ministry being treated to such an extravagant life, exposed to some of the world's best ministries, and to some of the best minds in the kingdom is seductive.  Sitting in a room with men of faith who have accomplished so much for the kingdom, drinking from the well of knowledge and insight that they pour out is at times intoxicating.  All of it heaped upon you with the intention of getting you to give yourself away.  To commit yourself to their ministry.  However being exposed to such things leads to unwanted consequences.  Being around such things often lead to you being impregnated with the seed of ministry.  

And when that seed of ministry is planted, and as it grows within you it gets to the point where you can no longer hide the truth of what you are carrying. The pregnancy becomes evident, and you are forced to confess that you too have a dream and vision for your own ministry.  Unfortunately for many, the one who had a hand in planting that seed has no desire to be a father.  He was just using you to get what he wanted from you. And now that you are pregnant, you are of no use to him. Instead he casts you aside. 

All too often fatherless ministries are brought into this world because the fathers that should care for them are absent.  They are more concerned with their own game.  They are happy being playas, spiritual gigolos, courting as many as they can find that they can use for their ministry.  The last thing they want is a ministry to feed, a ministry to raise. As a result their affection turns to indignation.  Their love turns to loathing.  They stop calling, and eventually they stop caring.  They often results to name calling, questioning your faithfulness, accusing you of cheating.  The tactic is to abuse you into submission.  Make you feel like dirt for what has happened, it is all your fault.  But it can all be fixed, and things can go back to the way they were, all you have to do is abort the ministry. 

For those who choose life, and decide to carry the ministry to term, it is an emotional road.  Often times filled with self doubt, skepticism, and questions of "can I do this alone".  But when the time comes it hits unexpectedly, and it will not wait, it will not stop.  It comes forth, and father or no father, it is staring you in the face.  You are the proud parent of a fatherless ministry.  Raising such a minsitry, nurturing it, caring for it will be harder.  There will be struggles.  And there may even be times when you wish that the father was around.  But know this the ministry will live and it will grow, even without a father present.   All you can do is try your best to be the best parent you can. 

I have chosen not to abort my ministry, but to let it live.  I am not willing to kill it, just because the man who impregnated me refused to be a father.  Instead I have chosen to continue on as a single parent, raising this ministry in the admonition of Christ, determined that it will not be like its father. I refuse to continue the cycle of dysfunction of dead beat dads, unwilling to be responsible for what they create.  Yes, you could say that I have a fatherless ministry.  However I guess that is what they may have said about Jesus as well.  With no earthly father, born to a maiden out of wedlock, one may have labeled him a bastard as well, but we know that this is far from the truth.  Jesus was a miracle, born of a Heavenly Father.  That is how I view my ministry as well.  It is a miracle, birthed not of man, but by a Heavenly Father.  And it too will grow and wax strong in spirit,  be filled with wisdom, and the grace of God will be upon it. 

This Blog is dedicated to absent fathers everywhere

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dealing with Laban

Genesis 24 introduces us to Laban, who was the brother of Rebeckah. From this passage and the ones following we learn a lot about Laban.  The first thing we see is that though he is a brother, he has placed himself in the role of father.  He was the one in charge, he was the one that did all the speaking, he was the one who owned it all, and he was the one with whom the servant had to deal.  Thus the first thing we learn about Laban and people like him is that they usurp the role of father.  They often view those around them as their children; children who are perpetually 7 years old.  As a result they deal out  constant correction and punishment in an attempt to “teach the child a lesson”.  This “father complex” ensures a never ending “father knows best” scenario, where free thinking and asserting one’s mind is viewed as rebellious and out of order.  This complex lead Laban to  feel that he has the right and privilege of being treated as the father; demanding the respect and honor.  In many cases this father complex extends beyond the natural leading the person to view their self as Heavenly Father, and to act as God in the lives of those over whom they exercise authority.  In their own eyes they are omniscient, and thus they know your future and what you should do and what you should not do, where you should go and where you should not go, with whom you should associate and who you should not.  The worse part about this father complex is that failure to follow the leading of the almighty puts you into the realm of condemnation and public stoning.

Another thing one will notice about Laban is that at first meeting he is often welcoming and loving.  Laban will give generously, but rarely without an ulterior motive.  In verse 29 Laban runs out to meet the servant, and in verse 31 offers him and his camels room.  But the reason for this hospitality is found in verse 30.  It was the earring and bracelets, and more specifically the value of them that caused Laban to become so excited. The thought of all the riches he would receive for the hand of Rebekah was the real reason for the hospitality.  When dealing with Laban he is always looking for what he can gain.  This causes him to treat warmly those who can help with his cause, while showing little to no affection for those who do not offer such treasures.  Those that can add talent or skill to the mix are often given special or preferred treatment.  They are taken on special trips or treated to dinners or showered with gifts, but only because he knows he will benefit from them.  We see this again in Genesis 29 that Laban is overjoyed to give his daughter Rachel to Jacob, but only after he exploited him to build his house, and building  his house is always more important than building your house.  

Laban, whose name comes from the root word for brick maker, is always looking for bricks or “building material” that he can use to build his house.  And when he finds those that can benefit him he exploits them to keep them as long as possible.  When the servant of Abraham came to him, he not only desired the treasure from him, but he also wanted to keep his sister; after all she was a brick in his home.  He tried to get the servant to stay for another 10 days, and maybe longer, but the servant desired to leave with Rebekah.  Laban was insistent, but relented only after Rebekah herself expressed the desire to leave.  Laban would not make the same mistake when it came to his own daughter.  When he saw how Jacob desired Rachel he would simply ask Jacob to stay for a while.  Laban kept his new brick on the line for seven years before Jacob no doubt ask about what had been promised.  But Laban, ever the manipulator, would alter the deal by offering Leah instead.  Laban would offer Rachel, but only if he could get seven more years of labor from Jacob.  After all Jacob had caused Laban’s house to be blessed, he could not let him part yet.  There was still so much to gain.  In all, Jacob would give Laban 20 years of service: a long time for someone who intended to stay only for a few days while his brother cooled off.   

Another characteristic of Laban is that he often takes on the victim persona.   Genesis 31.  Laban has no conscious when it comes to manipulating others, but quickly becomes the victim when his plan backfires.  As you begin to prepare to leave his house, he is often offended; after all it was in his house that you prospered.  In his eyes you have taken advantage of him, and his generosity.  It is he that has been wronged.  He starts to look at you differently (Gen 31:2) His joy turns to disdain, and his doting turns to distrust.  He often will not confront you about this change of heart, but instead will pout and sulk.  In Jacob’s case it was three days before Laban realized they were gone, three days without speaking to the one he once welcomed with open arms.  Why the silent treatment?  Because for Laban it is ALWAYS someone else’s fault.  The hurt and the wrong is always perpetrated by someone else, so he mopes waiting for the person he has exploited to come and apologize.  He may even send his sons to point out your alleged wrong (Gen 31:1) .  This is just an extension of the father complex where he demands an apology, or rather repentance, even if you have committed no sin.  It is just another manifestation of his manipulation.

Laban is a user.  He discovers the desire of your heart, and then uses it to manipulate you to do his will.  And understand that his will is to keep you and exploit you as building material to build his house.  Like the children of Israel those who encounter Laban are welcomed in only to become servants, and then slaves to him.  And like Pharaoh he has built his kingdom on the backs of those he has enslaved.  And the last thing he wants to do is let them go.  Even if God himself requires it of his servants, he will not let them go, but instead will harden his heart.  Let’s not forget that it was God who instructed Jacob to leave Laban’s house.  However, any attempt to leave leads to more heavy handedness and a heavier burden.  Thus the only way to deal with Laban is to walk away.  To take your family and leave.  This is what Jacob does.  Without ceremony, without permission, without blessing, he packs up his family and his household and escapes back to his home.   Some will scratch their heads, and wonder what happened.  Others will hear Laban’s lament, and join in Jacob’s condemnation. 

Even in your leaving, Laban will try to do all he can to keep his influence over you.  When Laban learned that they had gone, he chased Jacob in hopes that he might guilt him into coming back.  ALWAYS the victim, Laban accused Jacob.  The charge, “You didn’t leave the right way.” Jacob had tried to sneak out without Laban’s blessing (another way of saying permission), and the only way to make amends was for Jacob to return with him and do it the “right way”, and maybe get his blessing when and if Laban thought it appropriate.  Laban shifts blame off of himself and onto Jacob, in an attempt to make Jacob feel sorry for his decision.  Laban tries to point out that it was Jacob’s fault that he could not bless him, and could not send him off with a celebration and even help ( Gen 31:27).  However from experience, Jacob knew that those promises were empty, and designed only to trap him, and his family, again under Laban’s oppression.  Thus Jacob does the other thing that is necessary when dealing with Laban, he draws a line in the sand.  Dealing with forceful people requires you to be forceful.  You have to make it clear to Laban that you are not coming back, and that you are leaving, and that nothing he says or does is going to change that.  A clean split is the only way to escape Laban.  Allowing any ties to remain will only give him a foothold with which to exploit you.   The separation will be ugly, it always is with Laban.  He will spread falsehoods about you.  If others leave it will be because you have forced them through your lies and deceit (Gen 31:26).  There will be no reasoning with Laban.  He will never be able to see the true reason behind his children wanting to leave his house.  This is the worse part of dealing with Laban, in his eyes he is the perfect father, but in the eyes of his sons and daughters he is a manipulator that they only hope they can one day escape. 

I close with this thought.  Don’t let Laban keep you from going where God has called you to go.  Despite his heavenly father complex, Laban is not God.  He really isn’t even a father, at most he is a brother.  If God has called you, then pack up and leave, and don’t worry about blessing.  Because Laban’s blessing is but dung compared to the blessing that the Heavenly Father is able to give you.  And rest assured that He adds no sorrow to His blessing.  Remember God is your source, He is your provision, not Laban.  God may prosper you in Laban’s house, but even there it is God who prospers you.  After all the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous.  If you ever have to deal with Laban, just trust God.  He will judge both you and Laban, so know your heart and commit to do what God has instructed, and in the end you will find that you will be blessed beyond measure. (Gen 31:53)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Separation of Church and State

It has been quite a while since my last blog. While I have been busy preparing and presenting thought provoking issues, I must admit that I have not been as diligent posting them here. So what is it that brings me back to this blog with such urgency? The topic of the Separation of Church and State. With all the political talk happening around the country, I have engaged in much debate and discussion myself. And in those debates, it has been made abundantly clear that many people have believed the lie of Separation of Church and State. And not only have they believed the lie, but they have allowed their selves to be bullied and blinded to the truth of the matter. In keeping true to the nature of this blog as a Christian Resource designed to encourage growth and maturity, I feel the need to tackle this issue from that perspective. What role does religion have in the political process? And more so what role do we as people of religion have in the process?

First let us begin by realizing that our founders never ascribed to the idea that religion had no place in politics. In fact by reading our founding documents, published papers of the time, as well as the personal letters and journals of our founders’ one will quickly see that religion had a very integral part in politics. God was not only consulted, but credited with our foundation and the formation of the new political system. According to the founders it was God’s providence that led to the formation of these United States. They not only acknowledged God, but glorified God who they viewed as king, lawgiver and judge. It was this belief in God that led them to form a triune government. It was their acknowledgment that none but God should reign, that led them to separate the powers that only God should hold. Thus the divisions of our government, king (president), the lawgiver (congress) and the judge (Judicial), and in so doing no one person or group would take the position of “god”; a situation with which they had become far too familiar.

No doubt that our country’s heritage is not separate from religion, but rather immersed in it. And while that religion was primarily on the Christian religion, our founders did not seek to create a “Christian Society” but rather a “Free Society”. A society that would allow the practice of other religions side by side. They did not seek to limit religion, but to encourage it. It was for this reason that the first amendment, which is so often credited with the idea of separation of church and state, was written. The amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” It was the founders desire to limit government, and not religion. The first amendment interferes with congress’ ability to hinder the free exercise of religion. And that means all religions. Whether one would choose Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Alienism or even Atheism, the founders were intent on protecting the right of one to practice their religion free of interference from the government. Not to separate religion from government.

The founders were well aware that religion of all types would have to be integrated into politics if the country were to remain free. In fact the primary belief was that without religion, the moral fabric of the society would lead to bondage. This belief is echoed in nearly every early leader of this country. However, they also knew of the problems associated with religion. For it was their own experience when Christian rose up against Christian based on theological differences. This was the reason for a democratic republic, rather than a true democracy. Rather than giving power to the majority, elected representatives were given authority to represent the people of a particular area. So an area that was heavily represented by Christians could have Christian representatives. Those that were represented by Atheists could have Atheistic representatives. They would then carry out the will of the people through delegated authority. But again the experience of the founders, realized that this would lead to the system of nobility that was just as tyrannical as the king himself, and for that reason true power would remain in the hands of the people. And yes many if not most of those people were religious.
It is the truth that the people were religious and that many remain so, that makes this separation of church and state so absurd. Those who perpetuate the lie would have you believe that “the State” means government, but this is not so. Real power, the sovereigns, of government was retained by the people, and not the government itself. The branches of government are balanced between their selves, but all are balanced and controlled by the people. In other words the “State” is not government, but the people; people who are very much religious. Thus the State itself is religious by nature. For those that are what we might consider “devout” in their faith, their religion is central to who they are. Their beliefs, their morals, their values and even their politics are formed and effected by their religious views. Thus to think that one can or should put on and take off such a central part of who they are only adds to the vileness of this lie. One could no more remove their life experiences; their childhood, their relationships, their victories and defeats, for they are so deeply ingrained in who you are that to remove them would make you void of humanity. Our country is made up of religious people, who elect representativesThus the ability for one to separate religion from the State is an impossibility. Instead faith and religion should to be encouraged and brought to the table of discussion. All faiths are protected and given a say at the place of debate. We are even free to, and encouraged to, elect our representative based on how they will represent our social, economical, political, and religious views.

The very phrase that has been propagated and propitiated is in itself a reflection of the true intent of those that seek to perpetuate this lie. The words “church” and “state” never appear in the first amendment. But they are words that have been used for years to justify pushing God out of public life. And not every god, but specifically the Judeo-Christian God. Ultimately the goal of the campaign is to separate the church (Christianity) from the state (the people); to remove it from public life and even your private life. The desire is to get us as Christians to the place where our Christianity no longer plays a part in your personal life, but instead we buy into the multicultural universal view of the progressive agenda. And herein lays the motivation for such a plot. The progressive agenda, with its morals, vices and views fly in the face of the Christian world view. They are in direct opposition to one another. The progressives promote every aspect of self through the religion of Humanism. They preach a gospel of godlessness. And without a god there is no expectation, there is no accountability, there is no morality, therefore one may do and say as he or she pleases, thus the venomous language that flows so freely from their camp, thus the open promotion of promiscuity and immorality, and thus the ability to commit atrocious acts against children without blinking an eye.

Neither time nor space will allow for all the stomach turning examples of the progress of this agenda, so I devote the remainder of it to the purpose of speaking to the devout, and what we must do to prevent our religious freedom from being taken away. Separation of church and state is a lie. It is sleight of hand and doubletalk. The progressives have claimed that religious people violate their right, while at the same time violating the rights of the religious. The freedom from religion is not a right, only freedom of religion. And yet our right to exercise freely has been limited to the confines of our church buildings. Our right to freely proclaim the message of Christ has been limited to speaking only what is not offensive. Our right to publish faith has been limited to those places outside of the public arena. Our right to assemble in the name of religion has been limited to private gatherings. And even our right to petition for redress has fallen on apathetic ears. The only way to separate the church from the state is to separate you from your faith. We as people of faith must recognize it and fight against it. We must not allow the Humanists to bully the religious into submission. We must not allow them to separate us from our faith. The first amendment does not limit your faith, but instead protects your freedom to exercise that faith, publicly and openly. We must bring our faith out of the private confines of our churches, and bring it into the public arena. We must stop checking our religion at the door. We must begin to exercise our religious freedom, by speaking of our faith with boldness.