Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Without a doubt, the single moste effective tool for reaching a lost and dying world is the testimony of those who call themselves Christians.  Unfourtuanately, it is also the single most effective tool used by the enemy to drive people further from Christ.  People today are looking for something real.  They want to know that there is hope for them.  From my own personal experience, I know for sure that that hope is found in Jesus Christ. It is a very real hope available to whosoever will.  However in todays American church, there are too many "Christians" who cast doubt on that truth, by living a part time Christianity.  They confine their Christianity to the church building, church events, and church projects.  All other times are viewed with little consideration of being Christ-like.  As a result a mixed message is sent to those who are watching our lives.  And the enemy uses that mixed message to convey a very real message; "HYPOCRITE". Christianity is meant to be lived out 24/7, and only in this way can our testimony be used to draw people to Christ.   

We have to take our life of faith outside the church.  We have to begin living the life in front of those that are lost.  We cannot confine our converstaions to only talking about faith with other Chrsitians.  We cannot limit our praise to the church building, or our worship between the hours of 10 and 11. We must let our light shine before all men.  We must be that city on a hill.  We must set our lamp upon the stand so that all can see.  This means that every day must be lived out in a constant state of awareness of God and his His will for your life at that moment.  God may desire to use you to evangelize, or minister to someone's need on your own, without a large group of "church people".  Christianity is a personal faith, not a group mentality.  We must always be ready and willing to obey his voice, and do the work of the ministry.

Most of us acknowledge this, and would even "Amen" such a statement, and yet we do not live it out.  So the question is why?  There are as many reasons as there are people, but I believe all of those reasons boil down to one factor; we have not fully surrendered to God.  We are still too focused on self.  We are too SELFconscious.  When we were lost we didn't seem to care who saw us make fools of ourselves.  But, now that we are saved we act as if we are ashamed.  And the world has taken advantage of this selfconscious attitude to bully Christians into submission and silence.  This is the reason we choose to live out our in the safety of the church.  However if we are going to impact the world around us we have got to start living this life 24/7. We are going to have to begin to praise him outside of the church building.  We are going to have to start worshiping him every moment of every day, no matter where we are or who we are around, and regardless of whether or not the rest of the church is involved.  The 24 hours starts now, get started and live for him.