You Have Purpose

You have a purpose! When God created you, he did it with greatness in mind. He looked into the future, to see all the great things that could be done, and then he molded you, shaped you and endowed you with the potential to achieve that greatness.

But are you experiencing that greatness? Unfortunately many people live their entire life never experiencing their God intended purpose. Instead they move through life empty and unfulfilled. They attempt to fill that emptiness with different things, like work, money, possessions, fame, relationships, recreation, or even drugs and alcohol. They think, “If only they could achieve this, or possess that, then they would be fulfilled”. However, even when they achieve it they are left empty, and usually more empty than before. This is because it often costs them to achieve their goal. They neglect their family, .’the make poor decisions that cost them energy, or even freedom. In the end they still are unfulfilled.+

That greatness cannot be achieved outside of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Only he can fill the emptiness in your life. And here is the good part, he will not leave you feeling worse. He will not cause you to neglect your family, he will bless you with the strength to accomplish your purpose. He will give you freedom. God has created you for a purpose, but that purpose cannot be achieved without God. He created you with potential, but he is the one who has the ability to turn that potential into success. The key is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Without Christ your potential to achieve your purpose is blocked. This blockage is referred to as “sin”. “Sin” means to miss the mark. If you shoot at a target and miss the intended target, it is “sin”. Sin is caused by us trying to accomplish our purpose on our own. We try and try for success, but because we don’t have the key, we continue to miss the target; we continue to be unfulfilled and empty. It is this continuous attempt to achieve success without God and missing the mark, that leads to our ultimate emptiness. The “I don’t need God” mentality, and our continuous desire to separate ourselves from Him, leads to us permanently separated from Him, “Hell”. But this was never God’s purpose for you.

God wanted to see you succeed so much, that he was willing to send his only son, Jesus, to suffer and die for you. He came so that you would not have to live without Him. Jesus came to remove the blockage of sin from your life. With Christ you no longer have to try to succeed on your own. God partners with you to bring your life into success. God helps you to avoid the pitfalls that hinder success. He gives you principles to that bring success. He helps you to hit the target and achieve your purpose.

This does not mean that it will be easy. Achieving success never is. It requires discipline and a willingness to press towards the mark. We press, because there are those that would want to stop us from achieving our purpose. Sometimes it is those that are closest to us; friends and even family. They despise the fact that you are achieving success, while they are not. The major opposition to our success is the enemy of God. The one who has from the beginning tried to undermine God’s plan and purpose for all of mankind; the Devil himself. He will do all he can to keep you missing the mark, but with God he cannot stop you from achieving your purpose

So how do you start a relationship with God? It is as simple as recognizing your need for His help, believing that he can help, and asking him to help.

Here is a sample way of asking God to help.
“God, I need you. I recognize that sin is blocking my success. I believe that Jesus came and died to take away my sin. Take my sin, and help me to live out your purpose in my life.”